Hi all, i'm pleased to announce that JavaScripthon 0.5 has been released to PyPI. JavaScrypthon can translate a subset of Python 3.5 code to ES6 JavaScript producing beautiful and lean code, while supporting some of the latest Python features. Changelog (https://github.com/azazel75/metapensiero.pj/blob/master/CHANGES.rst): - translate ``tmpl("A string with js ${interpolation}")`` to ES6 template literals; - preliminary support to translate names like ``d_foo`` and ``dd_bar`` to ``$foo`` and ``$$bar``; - addded translation of the ``assert`` statement; - fixed a bug in ``try...except...finally`` statement when there's no ``except`` section; - added translation for ``foo is not bar`` that seems to have dedicated ast node; - if the function is defined in a method but starts with ``fn_`` do not convert it to an arrow function. Useful to *not* maintain ``this``; - added translation for ``callable`` and ``hasattr/getattr/setattr``; - updated for loops to support more than one target, so now its possible to write loops like ``for k, v in iterable(a_map):``; - updated documentation; - added a new cli option ``-s`` to translate source from the command line or the standard input; - fixed a pair of bugs on sourcemaps; - added a new cli option ``--eval`` to also evaluate the produced JavaScript using the embedded interpreter; - added a new cli option ``--dump-ast`` to print out the ast tree of the passed in string; - added sorting to the rendered snippets/decorators/assignments so that their order does not change at every ricompilation; - do not re-declare variables declare in outer scopes; - updated BabelJS to version 6.18.1; - allow to import modules with dashes inside by using dunder-inside-words notation (``foo__bar`` becomes ``foo-bar``); - reuse JavaScript interpreter context to speedup translation; - update ``in`` operator to support ES6 collections; - added support for method and class decorators; - added support for class properties and descriptors; - add ``for`` loop over JS iterables; - allow to loop over inherited properties; - fix a bug on ``type()`` translation; - support for ``range()`` steps; - add support for generator functions and ``yield`` and ``yield from`` expressions; - optionally load babel-polyfill before evaluating code; - fix a bug on sourcemaps having wrong references when there are documentation elements; - translate ``__get__()`` and ``__set__()`` to to JS equivalents; - implement ``dict(foo).update(bar)`` and ``dict(foo).copy``; - documentation improvements;