HI! I would like to announce a new version of web2ldap, a full-featured LDAPv2 client written in Python designed to run as a CGI-BIN under the control of a WWW server. It's available for free (GPL) from http://www.web2ldap.de/ There's a demo running on: http://sites.inka.de/ms/cgi-bin/web2ldap.py I would like to encourage people to give feedback about the usability of this program. Ciao, Michael. Changes since 0.6.5: - You might have guessed it: Bug hunting and code cleaning! - Better support and example for CSS Changes since 0.6.4: - Implemented modrdn. - Omnipresent button bar throughout the whole UI now (including error messages). - Direct input of LDIF data possible during adding or modifying entries (e.g. for binary data). - Display attributes of entry according to the schema categories (required, allowed, not matching). - Minor bugfixing and code cleaning. Finally you insert your blinky-winky HTML design: - Display entries with HTML template files depending on objectClass. - HTML clean-up to be hopefully SGML-conformant (and friendly to browsers). - Configuration parameters for complete <BODY> tag. - ID params in important HTML tags for using CSS. - Configuration parameters for string placed in <HEAD></HEAD> section (suitable for placing <STYLE> tags). <P><A HREF="http://www.web2ldap.de/">web2ldap 0.6.6</A> - web-based LDAP client; several enhancements. (25-Jan-2000) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------