OVERVIEW Albatross is a small toolkit for developing highly stateful web applications. The toolkit has been designed to take a lot of the pain out of constructing intranet applications although you can also use Albatross for deploying publicly accessed web applications. In slightly less than 3000 lines of Python (according to pycount) you get the following: * An extensible HTML templating system similar to DTML including tags for: - Conditional processing. - Macro definition and expansion. - Sequence iteration and pagination. - Tree browsing. - Lookup tables to translate Python values to arbitrary template text. * Application classes which offer the following features: - Optional server side or browser side sessions. - The ability to place Python code for each page in a dynamically loaded module, or to place all page processing code in a single mainline. * The ability to deploy applications either as CGI or via mod_python by changing less than 10 lines of code. The toolkit application functionality is defined by a collection of fine grained mixin classes. Nine different application types and five different execution contexts are prepackaged, you are able to define your own drop in replacements for any of the mixins to alter any aspect of the toolkit semantics. Application deployment is controlled by your choice of either cgi, FastCGI, mod_python, or BaseHTTPServer Request class. It should be possible to develop a Request class for Medusa or Twisted to allow applications to be deployed on those platforms with minimal changes. Albatross comes with over 160 pages of documentation. HTML, PDF and PostScript formatted documentation is available from the toolkit homepage. The toolkit homepage: http://www.object-craft.com.au/projects/albatross/ The Albatross mailing list subscription and archives: http://object-craft.com.au/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/albatross-users CHANGES SINCE 1.01 There have been many improvements and bug fixes since release 1.01. The following page describes the changes in detail. http://www.object-craft.com.au/projects/albatross/albatross/rel-1.10.html (There were no changes to 1.10pre4) -- http://www.object-craft.com.au