[image: image.png] Hello Folks, [image: :mega:] *Call for Proposals for SciPy 2023 closes March 1st* [image: :mega:] *Call for Proposals* <https://www.scipy2023.scipy.org/present> for the 22nd annual Scientific Computing with Python Conference — also known as SciPy 2023 <https://www.scipy2023.scipy.org/> — *CLOSES ON MARCH 1st*. We would love to receive proposals from folks in your organization. We seek submissions for Talks, Posters <https://www.scipy2023.scipy.org/present#talks-posters>, and Tutorials <https://www.scipy2023.scipy.org/present#tutorials>. This year we are happy to announce two highlighted tracks that run parallel to the general conference track: (1) Machine Learning, Data Science and Ethics in AI, and (2) Tending Your Open Source Garden: Maintenance and Community. You can learn more about this year's conference at SciPy 2023 | Home <https://www.scipy2023.scipy.org/>. The full schedule will be published later in May. In the meantime, please check out last year's program <https://www.scipy2022.scipy.org/schedule> and videos of previous year's talks and events <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYx7XA2nY5Gc-kJnbqeUudXp90Uo62HdC> to better understand what SciPy conferences are like. Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested. SciPy 2023 is shaping up to be a fantastic conference. We hope you'll join us in July! Arliss (On behalf of the SciPy 2023 Communications Committee) Follow Us <https://twitter.com/scipyconf> <https://www.youtube.com/c/enthought/playlists>