Hello all, We are pleased to announce the release of PyWavelets 1.0. We view this version number as a milestone in the project's now more than a decade long history. It reflects that PyWavelets has stabilized over the past few years, and is now a mature package which a lot of other important packages depend on. A listing of those package won't be complete, but some we are aware of are: - `scikit-image <https://scikit-image.org>`_ - image processing in Python - `imagehash <https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/imagehash>`_ - perceptual image hashing - `pyradiomics <https://github.com/Radiomics/pyradiomics>`_ - extraction of Radiomics features from 2D and 3D images and binary masks - `tomopy <https://github.com/tomopy/tomopy>`_ - Tomographic Reconstruction in Python - `SpikeSort <https://github.com/btel/SpikeSort>`_ - Spike sorting library implemented in Python/NumPy/PyTables - `ODL <https://github.com/odlgroup/odl>`_ - operator discretization library This release requires Python 2.7 or >=3.5 and NumPy 1.9.1 or greater. The 1.0 release will be the last release supporting Python 2.7. It will be a Long Term Support (LTS) release, meaning that we will backport critical bug fixes to 1.0.x for as long as Python itself does so (i.e. until 1 Jan 2020). A summary of new features and lists of specific issues and pull requests closed is available in the full release notes at: https://github.com/PyWavelets/pywt/blob/master/doc/release/1.0.0-notes.rst Authors ======= * 0-tree + * Jacopo Antonello + * Matthew Brett + * Saket Choudhary + * Michael V. DePalatis + * Daniel Goertzen + * Ralf Gommers * Mark Harfouche + * John Kirkham + * Dawid Laszuk + * Gregory R. Lee * Michel Pelletier + * Balint Reczey + * SylvainLan + * Daniele Tricoli * Kai Wohlfahrt A total of 16 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.