Hi all, I am happy to announce the release of VisPy 0.5. It has taken a while for some of us new maintainers to get spun up on every component of this project, but after more than two years since the last release VisPy is back. Many components have been refactored, new visuals and other features added, and over 177 pull requests merged. What is VisPy? -------------- VisPy is a Python library for interactive scientific visualization that is designed to be fast, scalable, and easy to use. VisPy leverages the computational power of modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) through the OpenGL library to display very large datasets. Applications of VisPy include: High-quality interactive scientific plots with millions of points. Direct visualization of real-time data. Fast interactive visualization of 3D models (meshes, volume rendering). OpenGL visualization demos. Scientific GUIs with fast, scalable visualization widgets (Qt or IPython notebook with WebGL). See the Gallery and many other example scripts on the VisPy website (http://vispy.org/). Upgrading --------- VisPy supports Python 2.7 and 3.x on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. VisPy's heavy use of the GPU means that users will need to have modern and up-to-date video drivers for their system. VisPy can use one of many backends, see the documentation for details. Due to the large refactor of VisPy, users of the previous 0.4 release will likely have to change their code. Links ----- GitHub: https://github.com/vispy/vispy Website: http://vispy.org/ Gitter (for chat): https://gitter.im/vispy/vispy Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/vispy Contributing ------------ Help is always welcome. We have over 250 GitHub issues and pull requests that we are still sorting through. Feel free to talk to us on Gitter or send in a pull request. Thanks, Dave