A short example illustrates some basic capabilities for interacting with a Verilog simulation.
from oroboro import * def watcher(sig): print "Watching signal %s" % sig while 1: yield sigchange(sig), timeout(10) if isinstance(currentreason(), sigchange): print "New value for signal %s is %s" % (sig, sig.get()) if isinstance(currentreason(), timeout): print "Timeout has elapsed. Wait again." def main(systf): s = signal("top.mysignal") t = task(watcher, s) yield timeout(0) return
The example above illustrates a simple task that watches a Verilog signal. The task 'watcher' loops indefinitely, suspending its execution with a yield statement that lists the reasons it should be resumed. Here, the task waits until either the signal value changes, or a 10 simulation tick timeout occurs ... whichever comes first. When the task resumes, it uses the 'currentreason' function to determine whether the first or second reason in the yield statement was triggered. The task prints an informative message and then loops.
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