Hello! I'm pleased to announce version 3.10.3, the 3rd bugfix release of branch 3.10 of SQLObject. What's new in SQLObject ======================= The contributors for this release are Igor Yudytskiy and shuffle (github.com/shuffleyxf). Thanks! Bug fixes --------- * Relaxed aliasing in ``SQLRelatedJoin`` introduced in 3.10.2 - aliasing is required only when the table joins with itself. When there're two tables to join aliasing prevents filtering -- wrong SQL is generated in ``relJoinCol.filter(thisClass.q.column)``. Drivers ------- * Fix(SQLiteConnection): Release connections from threads that are no longer active. This fixes memory leak in multithreaded programs in Windows. ``SQLite`` requires different connections per thread so ``SQLiteConnection`` creates and stores a connection per thread. When a thread finishes its connections should be closed. But if a program doesn't cooperate and doesn't close connections at the end of a thread SQLObject leaks memory as connection objects are stuck in ``SQLiteConnection``. On Linux the leak is negligible as Linux reuses thread IDs so new connections replace old ones and old connections are garbage collected. But Windows doesn't reuse thread IDs so old connections pile and never released. To fix the problem ``SQLiteConnection`` now enumerates threads and releases connections from non-existing threads. * Dropped ``supersqlite``. It seems abandoned. The last version 0.0.78 was released in 2018. Tests ----- * Run tests with Python 3.12. CI -- * GHActions: Ensure ``pip`` only if needed This is to work around a problem in conda with Python 3.7 - it brings in wrong version of ``setuptools`` incompatible with Python 3.7. For a more complete list, please see the news: http://sqlobject.org/News.html What is SQLObject ================= SQLObject is a free and open-source (LGPL) Python object-relational mapper. Your database tables are described as classes, and rows are instances of those classes. SQLObject is meant to be easy to use and quick to get started with. SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL/MariaDB (with a number of DB API drivers: ``MySQLdb``, ``mysqlclient``, ``mysql-connector``, ``PyMySQL``, ``mariadb``), PostgreSQL (``psycopg2``, ``PyGreSQL``, partially ``pg8000`` and ``py-postgresql``), SQLite (builtin ``sqlite``, ``pysqlite``); connections to other backends - Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB) - are less debugged). Python 2.7 or 3.4+ is required. Where is SQLObject ================== Site: http://sqlobject.org Download: https://pypi.org/project/SQLObject/3.10.3 News and changes: http://sqlobject.org/News.html StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sqlobject Mailing lists: https://sourceforge.net/p/sqlobject/mailman/ Development: http://sqlobject.org/devel/ Developer Guide: http://sqlobject.org/DeveloperGuide.html Example ======= Install:: $ pip install sqlobject Create a simple class that wraps a table::
from sqlobject import *
sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI('sqlite:/:memory:')
class Person(SQLObject): ... fname = StringCol() ... mi = StringCol(length=1, default=None) ... lname = StringCol() ... Person.createTable()
Use the object::
p = Person(fname="John", lname="Doe") p <Person 1 fname='John' mi=None lname='Doe'> p.fname 'John' p.mi = 'Q' p2 = Person.get(1) p2 <Person 1 fname='John' mi='Q' lname='Doe'> p is p2 True
p3 = Person.selectBy(lname="Doe")[0] p3 <Person 1 fname='John' mi='Q' lname='Doe'> pc = Person.select(Person.q.lname=="Doe").count() pc 1
Oleg. -- Oleg Broytman https://phdru.name/ phd@phdru.name Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.