Dear community, I'm pleased to announce version 0.1.1 of python-rrdtool (former rrdtool-py3k). python-rrdtool is a rrdtool Python binding for Python 2 and 3. Its based on the original Python (2.x) bindings module by Hye-Shik Chang and available as a native C extension. Furthermore, it provides an object-oriented interface to RRD files. Changes in version 0.1.1: * Added support for Python 2.7. The binding can now handle Python 2.x and 3.x. * Added dump command (backport of the commit of Steve Dougherty into the official rrdtool python binding). * Minor fixes regarding the use of the graphv command when using on Python 3.x. Installation is pretty simple (using pip): # pip install https://github.com/commx/python-rrdtool/tarball/master The project is hosted on Github (including sources): https://github.com/commx/python-rrdtool Further documentation and usage examples can be found on the Github project page. I'd like to encourage users to test the binding and submit bugs (as its still at a early stage of development) to the issue tracker there. Thank you. -- Best regards, Christian Jurk