I'm pleased to announce that Black, The uncompromising code formatter, is finally non-beta software! Here's the full changelog: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/change_log.html Going forward we'll follow our stability policy. Work continues as usual with bugfixes and enhancements, but style changes are now introduced under our new `--preview` CLI switch. This allows us to evolve Black's style without too much disruption to users that want consistency. The default style is updated yearly. Thanks to our maintainers for orchestrating the efforts, especially to our most recent reinforcement Batuhan (@isidentical) who was responsible for our match statement support! A hearty thank you to all of our contributors for pushing Black forward, and to our users for being the reason we do it! You can reach us on our issue tracker: https://github.com/psf/black <P><A HREF="https://black.readthedocs.io"> Black - 22.1.0</A> - the uncompromising code formatter (29-Jan-22)