Hello all, I'm glad to announce the release of pyo 0.8.3, available for python 2.7 and 3.5. Pyo is a Python module written in C to help real-time digital signal processing script creation. It is available for Windows, macOS and linux. It is released under the LGPL 3 license. For more info, downloads and other links, see the official web site: http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software/pyo/ The documentation: http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/pyodoc/ For the latest sources and bug tracker: https://github.com/belangeo/pyo What's new: New objects: - SharedTable, an inter-process shared memory table (unix only). - Particle2, An even more full control granular synthesis generator. - TableFill, continuously fills a table with incoming samples. - TableScan, Reads the content of a table in loop, without interpolation. - MidiDispatcher, self-contained midi dispatcher thread. Changes & bug fixes: - Jack ports activation and auto-connection now happen in the boot process. - Added "onlyonce" argument to Seq and Beat objects. - Seq now accepts floating-point values as time units. - Added "maxwindow" argument to TableWrite. This is the maximum number of samples over which the object is allowed to interpolate. Useful to avoid interpolation over the entire table when using a circular writing pointer. - Added "shape" argument to PVAmpMod and PVFreqMod objects. This allows to change the modulation oscillator's waveform. - Added setGlobalDur, setGlobalDel, getGlobalDur and getGlobalDel methods to the Server object. These methods allow the user to manage the start time and duration of audio objects globally. - Fader and Adsr now start a new envelope from the current amplitude value if the previous ramp has not finished yet. Olivier Belanger belangeo@gmail.com http://olivier.ajaxsoundstudio.com/ ---- P><A HREF="http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software/pyo/">Pyo 0.8.3</A> Python DSP library. (13-Feb-17)