If you use the screen-scraping library Beautiful Soup (MIT license), please test Beautiful Soup 4.13.0b3, now available on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/beautifulsoup4/4.13.0b3/ pip install beautifulsoup4==4.13.0b3 Maintainer Leonard Richardson hopes to get feedback before the final release, which he targets for early February. Key changes from 4.12.3 (Jan. 2024): * dropping support for Python 3.6 * "a new feature (the ElementFilter class) which makes it easy to swap in your own matching logic for Beautiful Soup's default logic when calling methods like find()." * type hints in the Beautiful Soup code base; Richardson requests "feedback from people who use type hints when developing with Beautiful Soup... There might be some changes to the type hint system it would be good to make before doing a full 4.13.0 release." * "a larger-than-usual number of deprecations and changes that may break backwards compatibility" If you have questions, send them to the discussion group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/beautifulsoup . If you find a bug, file it on Launchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/beautifulsoup/ . If it's a security vulnerability, report it confidentially through Tidelift: https://tidelift.com/security . Leonard Richardson writes: ------ Hi, everyone, I've done a lot of on-and-off work on Beautiful Soup 4.13.0 over the past few months, and it's added up to enough that I've decided to do another beta release before publishing it to the world. I hope to publish the final 4.13.0 release in early February. One non-code change is that I've cleaned up the docstrings and added API docs, generated from those docstrings, to the Beautiful Soup documentation. For the time being you can see the 4.13.0 documentation here, https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/4.13.0/ and here is the generated API doc portion of that documentation. https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/4.13.0/api/modules.htm... I've attached the entire 4.13.0 changelog to the bottom of this message, but here are the most significant changes *since the previous beta* last year: * The html5 formatter is much less aggressive about escaping ampersands, in a way that generates cleaner HTML but could break your project's test suite if you compare Beautiful Soup's output to pregenerated HTML snapshots. * The ElementFilter API has been changed slightly and is now finalized. * A number of new generators have been added which yield the element itself before beginning to traverse the tree, e.g. PageElement.self_and_parents. * Methods like Tag.extend and PageElement.insert_after now return the elements that were inserted. Since this is a prerelease version, you'll have to explicitly ask pip to install it, e.g. from the command line: `pip install beautifulsoup4==4.13.0b3` or by putting something like this in your requirements.txt: `beautifulsoup4==4.13.0b3` ------ The full changelog is available in the 4.13.0 beta 3 release announcement: https://groups.google.com/g/beautifulsoup/c/cX5m7s8v9TM/m/HHXWmwjdBwAJ For a summary of the previous beta release (March 2024): https://groups.google.com/g/beautifulsoup/c/9w_PEBCaM6c/m/RrIaqGcYAgAJ Documentation, guidance for enterprise users, and more at the project homepage: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ best, Sumana Harihareswara