#~ ANN: RuneBlade-Foundation-0.3.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RuneBlade Foundation is a set of GUI skinning and other tools created to ease the development of XML-based applications. Application such as Jabber (XML) for communications; XML "skin" for a wxPython GUI; or, an XML "skin" for xhtml or svg output similar to other templating engines. More information, including distributables, can be found at http://www.runeblade.com/foundation/ or by contacting the author at shane.holloway@runeblade.com RuneBlade Foundation Release 0.3.0 includes: Base Tools: Utilities for WeakBinding and ContextApply wrappers for callable objects. XML Builder / XML Objectifier / XML Class Builder tools for truly object oriented XML on pythonic terms. Jabber Tools: An XML-based messaging system. See http://jabber.org Event driven architecture based on Subject/Observer. Collections of client or component connections are natively support. Support for message sending, presence changes, and iq packets helpers. Modules include presence maps, message routers, and standard iq responses. Skinning Framework: Base framework for inheritable attributes, etc. Python-in-xml skin implementation, for creating skins that are alive. wxPython skin production implementation. (See http://wxpython.org) DOT output. (See http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/) xhtml/svg templated output. Subject Observer: Tools modeled after their classic namesake, helping to create an event-based architecture. Used heavily by both the Skinning and Jabber frameworks. wxTools: A bag O tricks for wxPython. (wxPython was the first skin, and as such, gets all the attention...) RuneBlade Foundation is governed by a BSD style open-source LICENSE, and can be found at http://www.runeblade.com/foundation/bsd.html Future announcements will also be made via mailing list, which can be found at http://www.runeblade.com/mailman/listinfo/foundation-announce #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <a href="http://www.runeblade.com/foundation">RuneBlade-Foundation-0.3.0</a> - RuneBlade Foundation is a set of GUI skinning and other tools created to ease the development of XML-based applications. (31-Jul-02)