Hello everyone. I’m happy to announce version 0.13.0 of PyData/Sparse. PyData/Sparse provides sparse arrays for the PyData ecosystem: It mimics the NumPy API but provides sparse storage. Version 0.13.0 was mainly a bugfix-centred release, fixing many bugs and regressions reported by users for versions 0.12.0 and 0.11.0. Python 3.6 was dropped for this release, and version 3.9 support was formally added. Some minor features were also added. Source Code: https://github.com/pydata/sparse/tree/0.13.0 <https://github.com/pydata/sparse/tree/0.13.0> Documentation: https://sparse.pydata.org/en/0.13.0/ <https://sparse.pydata.org/en/0.13.0/> Changelog: https://sparse.pydata.org/en/0.13.0/changelog.html <https://sparse.pydata.org/en/0.13.0/changelog.html> Best regards, Hameer Abbasi