oxidized_importer - a pure Rust Python extension module implementing high performance Python module importers - version 0.3 has been released. The documentation is available at https://pyoxidizer.readthedocs.io/en/oxidized-importer-0.3/oxidized_importer... . Like previous versions of this extension module, version 0.3 supports importing Python modules and resources from memory or from memory mapped files using the OxidizedFinder class. This is the special importer that enables PyOxidizer to generate single file Python applications without relying on run-time extraction of Python modules to a filesystem. New in version 0.3 is the OxidizedZipFinder ( https://pyoxidizer.readthedocs.io/en/oxidized-importer-0.3/oxidized_importer...) class, which aims to be a drop-in replacement for zipimport.zipimporter. While not quite reaching that goal, this zip file importer is already considerably faster than the one in the Python standard library and can often be leveraged by existing users of zipimport wishing to shave precious milliseconds off application startup overhead. OxidizedZipFinder isn't as fast as OxidizedFinder. But it provides competitive performance while hopefully retaining sufficient compatibility with zipimport. oxidized_importer is developed as part of the PyOxidizer Project and feedback can be submitted via GitHub issues at https://github.com/indygreg/PyOxidizer.