I am pleased to announce Plumage (Plumage-py) 1.1.0 ("The Big Sky") Plumage is a module to obtain trademark status and information from the United States Patent & Trademark Office's (USPTO's) Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) system. It takes as input either a trademark registration number or application serial number, fetches the corresponding XML data from the PTO's TSDR website, and returns a dictionary of data associated with the specified TSDR entry. Example: from Plumage import plumage t = plumage.TSDRReq() t.getTSDRInfo("2564831", "r") # get info on reg. no 2,564,831 if t.TSDRMapIsValid: print "Application serial no:", t.TSDRMap["ApplicationNumber"] print "Trademark text:", t.TSDRMap["MarkVerbalElementText"] print "Application filing date:", t.TSDRMap["ApplicationDate"] print "Registration no:", t.TSDRMap["RegistrationNumber"] # Owner info is in most recent (0th) entry in ApplicantList applicant_list = t.TSDRMap["ApplicantList"] current_owner_info = applicant_list[0] print "Owner:", current_owner_info["ApplicantName"] Will print: Application serial no: 75181334 Trademark text: MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS Application filing date: 1996-10-15-04:00 Registration no: 2564831 Owner: Python (Monty) Pictures Ltd. I first made Plumage available almost two years ago, but V1.1.0 is the first release I have formally announced. New in this release: * Support for ST.96 V 2.2.1 (adopted by the US PTO on May 6, 2016) * Added diagnostic where older ST.96 1-D3 is encountered * small potential date bug fixed Code: https://github.com/codingatty/Plumage-py/releases/tag/V1.1.0 Docs: https://github.com/codingatty/Plumage/wiki/Plumage-Home License: Apache Software License V2 -- Terry Carroll