Hi there! As someone stuck with python 2.3 tried to use pylint, we made some fixes to get python 2.3 supports back. This resulted in the release of pylint 0.21.3, logilab-astng 0.20.3 and logilab-common 0.52 today. At the time of porting pylint to py3k, this will much probably be the latest set of versions to use to get pylint working with python 2.3 code. And maybe, unless you people think it would be a shame, also for python 2.4, so we can drop support for the old compiler module. ciao, -- Sylvain Thénault LOGILAB, Paris (France) Formations Python, Debian, Méth. Agiles: http://www.logilab.fr/formations Développement logiciel sur mesure: http://www.logilab.fr/services CubicWeb, the semantic web framework: http://www.cubicweb.org