BleachBit is a Internet history, locale, registry, privacy, and temporary file cleaner for Linux and Windows on Python v2.4 - v2.6. Notable changes for 0.5.2: * Add cleaners for Pidgin, Miro, Nexuiz, gedit, Winamp, Yahoo! Messenger, and Windows temporary folder * Clean more of Firefox, Vuze/Azureus, OpenOffice.org, aMSN, espeak, and GNOME's trash. * Add Dutch and Hungarian translations. * Update Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, German, Italian, and Slovak translations. * Fix bugs regarding Firefox, cleaning resulting in size increases, shredding write protected files, compatibility with Python 2.6. * Fix many bugs on the new Microsoft Windows port. Detailed release notes http://bleachbit.blogspot.com/2009/06/bleachbit-052-released.html Download http://bleachbit-project.appspot.com/download/
participants (1)
Andrew Ziem