PyConDE 2018 (Germany) & PyData Karlsruhe CfP extended.

The CfP has been extended for one more week until Sunday June 3 24:00 AoE (Anywhere on Earth). PyCon.DE is where Pythonistas in Germany can meet to learn about new and upcoming Python libraries, tools, software and data science. We welcome Python enthusiasts, programmers, data scientists and everyone else from around the world to join us in Karlsruhe this year. It's the second time our team runs the conference and we expect more than 500 participants for this year's conference. The conference lasts 3 days + 2 days of sprints featuring about 60 talks, tutorials and hands on sessions. The conference will be held in English language only. Dates: main conference: Wednesday October 24 - Friday October 26 sprints: Saturday October 27 - Sunday October 28 Karlsruhe is a major engineering hub of Germany with an elite university KIT. Companies in the area include Bosch, Daimler, Porsche, and SAP. It's easy to reach Karlsruhe by high speed train ICE/TGV or plane (directly of via Frankfurt + high speed train or via Stuttgart). Proposals ========== We’re looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: programming from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how you have been involved in introducing Python into your organization. PyConDE is a community conference and we are eager to hear about your experience. CfP: The conferences addresses: * Data Scientists * Software Developers * System Administrators * Academic Scientists * Technology Enthusiasts * Innovation Managers * AI Engineers We are looking for: * 15 minute presentations - keeping a long story short (no Q&A) * 30 minute presentations (incl. optional 5 minute Q&A) * 45 minute presentations (incl. optional 5 minute Q&A) * 90 minute workshops * Posters PyData @ PyConDE 2018 ====================== There will be a PyData track at this year’s conference. Please submit your papers for the PyData track through the PyConDE form. CfP will close Sunday June 3 24:00 AoE (Anywhere on Earth). We plan to notify speakers by second week of June and release a draft schedule in June. As many other PyCon conferences, everyone must buy a ticket. Contributors are entitled to a ticket at early bird price. To foster diversity and to make PyConDE accessible for any pocket size, we do have a financial support program, more details here: <> Please familiarise yourself with the conference code of conduct <> Alexander Hendorf @hendorf as PyConDE & PyData Karlsruhe 2018 program chair & organiser PyConDE & PyData Karlsruhe 2018: <> <>
participants (1)
Alexander CS Hendorf