[RasterFrames](https://rasterframes.io/) provides a DataFrame-centric view over arbitrary Earth-observation (EO) data, enabling spatiotemporal queries, map algebra raster operations, and compatibility with the ecosystem of [Apache Spark](https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/) [ML](https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-guide.html) algorithms. It provides APIs in [Python, SQL, and Scala](https://rasterframes.io/languages.html), and can scale from a laptop computer to a large distributed cluster, enabling *global* analysis with satellite imagery in a wholly new, flexible, and convenient way. ## Changes in 0.8.2 * Added ability to pass config options to convenience PySpark session constructor. * Bumped Spark dependency to version 2.3.4. * Fixed handling of aggregate extent and image size on GeoTIFF writing. * Fixed issue with `RasterSourceDataSource` swallowing exceptions. * Fixed SparkML memory pressure issue caused by unnecessary reevaluation, overallocation, and primitive boxing. * Fixed Parquet serialization issue with `RasterRef`s * Fixed `TileExploder`, `rf_agg_local_mean` and `TileColumnSupport` to support `proj_raster` struct. * Various documentation improvements. * _Breaking_ (potentially): Synchronized parameter naming in Python and Scala for `spark.read.raster` Full release notes are available here: https://rasterframes.io/release-notes.html * Source: https://github.com/locationtech/rasterframes * Install: `pip install pyrasterframes` * Getting Started: https://rasterframes.io/getting-started.html
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