It's a pleasure to announce that Civil [http://civil.sf.net], a turn-based network strategy game written using Python and Pygame (the superb SDL wrapper for Python -- http://www.pygame.org) has now reached version 0.80. This release is the culmination of several month's hard work and the result is a faster, leaner, more playable Civil. 0.80 is tagged in the CVS now, packages for Debian, Redhat and win32 platforms will be added to the downloads page over the course of the weekend. The full change log for 0.80: * New pictorial icons for units (!) * Trenches and other terrain enhancements * Panel is removed and replaced with floating windows. * Online Help browser * Context sensitive menus, all functionality now accessible via menus * Optimised pathfinding * Better map height handling * Automatic starting of the AI client (AI still to be completed) * Improved unit selection handling * Scenarios can have reinforcements * Greatly improved unit statistics handling (fatigue, morale etc.) * Additional unit modes * In-game speed optimisations (Civil's running faster!) * Many improvements to the scenario editor, now handles the new terrains * New testing scenario * Additions to the playing manual * Updated scenario2HTML transforms * Working windows port * Vastly improved build system * Packaged downloads for Debian/Redhat Linux and win32 platforms As of 0.80 we will be producing more frequent 0.8x builds as we head toward the fully playable 0.90 release. Details on how to contact us regarding comments, feature requests, bug-reports etc. are available on the Civil website: http://civil.sf.net. Best Regards The Civil Team
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