[ANN] Boo 0.4.3 - python-like language for .NET/Mono

Rodrigo B. de Oliveira released version 0.4.3 of boo, I thought I'd share it here since there has been so much interest for similar projects like IronPython. http://boo.codehaus.org/ Boo is a python-like language for .NET or the cross-platform Mono (http://www.go-mono.com/). Version 0.4.3 adds an interactive interpreter (booish, similar to IDLE for python), elif, and a bug fix. I wrote up some notes on boo for people already familiar with Python: http://boo.codehaus.org/Gotchas+for+Python+Users Also I have collected some starter resources for getting into .NET programming: http://developers.coedit.net/DotNetProgramming A summary of some distinct features of boo: -quickly compile to an exe (can run cross-platform with Mono) -closures/anonymous methods: http://boo.codehaus.org/Closures x = def(): ...some code here -optional static typing: "x as int", "static def method1() as string:" -simple super(), automatic super calls and constructors -unless statement -built-in support for regular expressions -timespan literals: "100ms" -extensible compiler pipeline -custom macros and attributes (similar to decorators) -includes an interactive interpreter (booish) and an IDE with code completion (boox, still in development). Features in common with C#: -interfaces, enums, events -properties with getters and setters Version as string: get: return _version set: _version = value -lock (like "synchronized" in java) -asynchronous execution with BeginInvoke http://boo.codehaus.org/Asynchronous+Design+Pattern -parameter checking with required attribute: def foo([required(value > 3)] value as int): pass -using statement: (disposes of object when finished using) using f = System.IO.File.OpenText('using0.boo'): print(f.ReadLine())
participants (1)
Doug Holton