TurboGears (un)Tutorial in Texas, January 30
FREE TurboGears (un)tutorial, 30 January 2010 in Richardson, TX (DFW) taught by Chris Perkins. This will be a 'build as we go' tutorial where you are highly encouraged to bring a real database that we will map against and write an app for. Consider this both a tutorial and sprint. Seats are limited to 15 (unless I get overwhelmed then I will change venues) so please register at http://dfwtgtutorial.eventbrite.com/. For detailed information on the event including what to bring and how to prepare, please see http://percious.com/blog/archives/152. Here you can also see a tentative schedule for other locations. Special thanks goes to Chris for volunteering his time and Company Dallas (http://www.companydallas.com/) for providing the free space and resources for this. Hope to see you there, Jason Galyon
participants (1)
Jason Galyon