Eventlet 0.20.0 released

Eventlet is a concurrent networking library for Python that allows you to change how you run your code, not how you write it. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/eventlet/0.20.0 Important backward incompatible changes: - removed select.poll(). We never had green poll implementation. If you really need blocking poll, use patcher.original('select'). - DNS resolving is always green with dnspython bundled in. This is just a nice free improvement. Be alert only if you intentionally wanted blocking resolving. Other goodies: * greenio: only trampoline when we block * convenience: listen() sets SO_REUSEPORT when available; Thanks to Zhengwei Gao * ssl: Fix "TypeError: read() argument 2 must be read-write bytes-like object, not None" * greenio: _recv_loop behaviour with recv_into on closed sock * ipv6: getaddrinfo would fail with scope index * green.zmq: Support {send,recv}_{string,json,pyobj} wrappers * greendns: Return answers from /etc/hosts despite nameserver errors * patcher: fixed green existing locks fail (Python3) * Add DAGPool, a dependency-driven greenthread pool * wsgi: Unix socket address representation; Thanks to Samuel Merritt * tpool: isolate internal socket from default timeout; Thanks to Alex Villacís Lasso * wsgi: only skip Content-Type and Content-Length headers (GH-327) * wsgi: 400 on blank Content-Length headers (GH-334) * greenio: makefile related pypy socket ref counting * ssl: Fix recv_into blocking when reading chunks of data * websocket: support Gunicorn environ['gunicorn.socket'] Our website: http://eventlet.net/ Try latest version with `pip install -U eventlet`
participants (1)
Sergey Shepelev