[ANN] Josh Bartlett — pygame Artist in Residence exhibit.

Hello, Josh Bartlett has made a video for his pygame Artist in Residence exhibit. It's a timelapse of Trosnoth <https://trosnoth.org/> development in October. There is also a blog post about it: timelapse trosnoth development video <https://sqizit.bartletts.id.au/2018/11/23/timelapse-trosnoth-development-vid...>. See the trosnoth <https://sqizit.bartletts.id.au/tag/trosnoth/> tag on his blog to see his earlier blog posts made during October about Trosnoth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1tS0Fbukic Thanks Josh! ps. if you want to see the text more clearly you'll need to watch it fullscreen in 1080p. - Trosnoth is a networked multi player game that was originally developed as part of a technology camp. More info here: https://trosnoth.org/ and here: https://www.pygame .org/artist-in-residence/1 and here: https://sqizit.bartletts.id.au/tag/trosnoth/ - pygame (the library) is for making multimedia apps like games, video and audio creation. Software made with pygame has been used by billions of people around the world. pygame (the community) is a small volunteer group of creative humans who ♥ making things. pygame (the website) https://www.pygame.org/news <https://www.pygame.org/news> is where people can share, learn, and collaborate on their creative endeavors.
participants (1)
René Dudfield