logmerger 0.8.0 =============== New features: - Added --inline command line option to view merged logs in a single inline column instead of side-by-side columns (side-by-side is the default) - Added jump feature to move by number of lines or by a time period in microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days Fixes: - Fixed type annotations that broke running logmerger on Python 3.9. Screenshot: https://github.com/ptmcg/logmerger/blob/main/static/log1_log2_merged_tui_lr.... Use logmerger to view multiple log files, merged side-by-side with a common timeline using timestamps from the input files. - merge ASCII log files - detects various formats of timestamps - detects multiline log messages - merge .gz files without previously gunzip'ing - merge .pcap files - merge .csv files Browse the merged logs using a textual-based TUI: - vertical scrolling - horizontal scrolling - search/find next/find previous - jump by number of lines or by time interval - go to line - go to timestamp TUI runs in a plain terminal window, so can be run over a regular SSH session. Installation ------------ Install from PyPi; pip install logmerger For PCAP merging support: pip install logmerger[pcap] Github repo: https://github.com/ptmcg/logmerger
participants (1)
Paul McGuire