[ANN] StandOut 3.0.0 Released
There is a new release of `StandOut <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#standout>`_, the flexible output object. {sm;:-)} This version is a complete rewrite, with a *full* set of `unit tests <http://svn.pythonutils.python-hosting.com/trunk/pythonutils/standout_test.py>`_. *standout* is a module that provides a single class: ``StandOut`` - the flexible output object. It provides a simple way of adding logging to a program, and an easy way of adding verbosity levels. By assigning a priority level to each message, it makes it trivially easy to allow your users to choose their own verbosity level. Verbosity levels for normal output and the log file can be different. Alternatively you can just use StandOut for logging ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` to a file. As an added bonus it includes a software unbuffered mode. In this mode all writes to ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` are flushed immediately. Quick download links : * `standout.py (8.5kB) <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/cgi-bin/voidspace/downman.py?file=standout.py>`_ * `standout.zip (108kB) <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/cgi-bin/voidspace/downman.py?file=standout.zip>`_ The zip file includes full documentation and unit tests. Basic usage, for logging all output on the standard output and standard error streams to a file : .. raw:: html {+coloring} from standout import StandOut stout = StandOut('log.txt') # body of program main() # then close the log file # and restore normal output/error streams stout.close() {-coloring} StandOut is currently used in both `Movable Python <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/>`_ and `rest2web <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/>`_.
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