ANN: Astropy v4.2 and v4.0.4 releases

Dear All, On behalf of the Astropy Project, I am pleased to announce the v4.2 release of astropy, the core Python package for astronomy. This astropy release supports Python 3.7-3.9 and Numpy 1.17+. This release includes new functionalities, fixes and improvements for 183 issues, 105 pull requests, from 63 contributors. An overview is provided at this page: For a full list of the changes, please consult the Changelog: To install the new version you can either use pip: pip install astropy --upgrade Or if you are a user of Anaconda, the new version is available both on their default channel, or on the conda-forge one: conda update astropy Extensive user documentation of Astropy can be found on our website: Along with this new feature release, we have also released v4.0.4 for the long term support (LTS) branch. This LTS branch will be maintained and receive regular bugfix releases until the autumn of 2021. If you use Astropy directly for your work, or as a dependency to another package, please remember to acknowledge it by citing the appropriate Astropy paper. For the most up-to-date suggestions, see the acknowledgement page: : This research made use of Astropy, a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration, 2018). As always, please report any issues or problems to our GitHub repository: A big thank you to everybody who contributed! All the best, Brigitta Sipőcz
participants (1)
Brigitta Sipocz