PSI-0.02 - Persistent Multithreaded CGI for Apache

Hi, This the second release of PSI, or the Python Script Interface, A second attempt by me at persistent cgi scripting in python. With PSI, cgi-scripts are run by a shared python interpreter living outside of the webserver process. Like PCGI, a small 'wrapper' program is used to connect any CGI capable webserver to the shared interpreter. PSI is multithreaded, every CGI request runs in a seperate thread. PSI provides as much of the Stanard CGI environment (sys.stdin, sys.stdout, os.environ) as possible. And by doing so should be compatible with existing CGI scripts written in python. You can download PSI0.02 at: suggestions and or questions about PSI?, mailto: <P><A HREF="">PSI 0.02 (click to download as .tar.gz file)</A> - Python Script Interface; an Apache module for long-running Python CGI scripts, similar to FastCGI. (09-Nov-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: Python Language Home Page: Python Quick Help Index: ------------------------------------------------------------
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