mrquery: finds duplicate images
I have uploaded "mrquery.05.12.19.tgz"' to my web page "". "mrquery" finds the duplicate images in a collection of images. It implements a variant of the algorithm in "Fast Multiresolution Image Querying" by Charles E. Jacobs, Adam Finkelstein and David H. Salesin. Search for "mrquery.pdf" at Citeseer or on the Internet. The mrquery algorithm has been implemented elsewhere. Especially check out "imgSeek" at "". I order to use this program, you need: Familiarity with the standard UNIX commands Linux (other UNIX systems may work) Python 2.4 or later (2.2 or 2.3 may work) Experience programming with Python To know how to compile C programs (preferably with gcc) Warning: this program is new, buggy and command-line oriented.
participants (1)
Edward C. Jones