BOTLIB #31 released - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/botlib BOTLIB is a python3 framework to use if you want to program CLI, IRC or XMPP bots. features ======== BOTLIB provides the following features: :: object class save/load to/from a json file. rest server serve saved object’s over http. rss fetcher echo rss feeds to irc channels. udp server udp to bot to irc channel. watcher server run tail -f and have output send to IRC channel. email scanning scan mbox format to searchable botlib objects. json backend objects are stored as json string in files on the fs. db iteration over stored objects. timestamp time based filenames gives logging capabilities future future sensors should provide entry to the logger. install ======= Clone the source: :: bart@okdan:~$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/bthate/botlib You might need to do one of the following if the bot doesn't work: bart@okdan:~/botlib$ export PYTHONPATH="." bart@okdan:~/botlib$ export PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8" Another option is to download with pip3 and install globally: :: bart@okdan:~$ pip3 install botlib --upgrade irc === Use -n <nick>, -s <server>, -c <channel> options to make the bot join the network: :: bart@okdan:~$ bot -i irc -n botlib -s irc.freenode.net -c \#botlib You can use the -w option to write config values to ~/.bot/config/irc xmpp ==== For the xmpp server use a ~/.sleekpass file with the password in it: :: bart@okdan:~$ cat "password" > ~/.sleekpass bart@okdan:~$ bot -i xmpp,rss --room=test@conference.localhost users ===== One needs to add a users origin to be able to give the bot commands. One can add a user with the meet command: :: bart@okdan:~$ bot meet user@server user user@server created To give the user a permission you can use the perm command: :: bart@okdan:~$ bot perm user@server ps ok user@server The u command show the json dump of a user object: :: bart@okdan:~$ bot u user@server { "_container": { "default": "", "path": "/home/bart/.bot/user/2017-10-12/21:05:52.095737", "prefix": "object", "saved": "Thu Oct 12 21:07:03 2017", "signature": "c113c4125f8c2a88d5b312e283792ae019c61a52" }, "_type": "<class 'botlib.object.Object'>", "origin": "user@server", "perms": [ "USER", "PS" ], "user": "user@server" } The default shell user is root@shell and give all the commands that are available. commands ======== The following commands are available: :: alias key, value alias. announce announce text on all channels in fleet. begin begin stopwatch. cfg edit config files. cmnds show list of commands. deleted show deleted records. delperm delete permissions of an user. dump dump objects matching the given criteria. edit edit and save objects. end stop stopwatch. exit stop the bot. fetcher fetch all rss feeds. find present a list of objects based on prompt input. first show the first record matching the given criteria. fix fix a object by loading and saving it. idle see how long a channel/nick has been idle. last show last objectect matching the criteria. license display BOTLIB license. load force a plugin reload. log log some text. loglevel set loglevel. loud disable silent mode of a bot. ls show subdirs in working directory. man show descriptions of the available commands. mbox convert emails to botlib objects. meet create an user record. nick change bot nick on IRC. perm add/change permissions of an user. permissions show permissions granted to a user. perms show permission of user. pid show pid of the BOTLIB bot. ps show running threads. reboot reboot the bot, allowing statefull reboot (keeping connections alive). reload reload a plugin. restore set deleted=False in selected records. rm set deleted flag on objects. rss add a rss url. save make a kernel dump. shop add a shopitem to the shopping list. show show dumps of basic objects. silent put a bot into silent mode. start start a plugin. stop stop a plugin. synchronize synchronize rss feeds (fetch but don't show). test echo origin. timer timer command to schedule a text to be printed on a given time. stopwatch to measure elapsed time. today show last week's logged objects. todo log a todo item. tomorrow show todo items for tomorrow. u show user selected by userhost. uptime show uptime. version show version. w show user data. watch add a file to watch (monitor and relay to channel). week show last week's logged objects. whoami show origin. yesterday show last week's logged objects. modules ======= The following modules are available: :: botlib.bot bot base class. botlib.cli command line interfacce bot, gives a shell prompt to issue bot commands. botlib.clock timer, repeater and other clock based classes. botlib.cmnds botlib basic commands. botlib.compose construct a object into it’s type. botlib.decorator method decorators botlib.db JSON file db. botlib.engine select.epoll event loop, easily interrup_table esp. versus a blocking event loop. botlib.error botlib exceptions. botlib.event event handling classes. botlib.fleet fleet is a list of bots. botlib.handler schedule events. botlib.irc IRC bot class. botlib.kernel program boot and module loading. botlib.launcher a launcher launches threads (or tasks in this case). botlib.log log module to set standard format of logging. botlib.object JSON file backed object with dotted access. botlib.raw raw output using print. botlib.rss rss module. botlib.selector functions used in code to select what objects to use. botlib.task adapted thread to add extra functionality to threads. botlib.trace functions concering stack trace. botlib.users class to access user records. botlib.xmpp XMPP bot class. botlib.register object with list for multiple values. botlib.rest rest interface. botlib.runner threaded loop to run tasks on. botlib.space central module to store objects in. botlib.static static definitions. botlib.template cfg objects containing default values for various services and plugins. botlib.test plugin containing test commands and classes. botlib.udp relay txt through a udp port listener. botlib.utils lib local helper functions. botlib.url functions that fetch data from url. botlib.watcher watch files. botlib.worker worker thread that handles submitted jobs through Worker.put(func, args, kwargs). botlib.wisdom wijsheid, wijs ! contact ======= | Bart Thate | botfather on #dunkbot irc.freenode.net | bthate@dds.nl, thatebart@gmail.com BOTLIB has a MIT license`
participants (1)
Bart Thate