This is to announce the release of version 1.1.4 of *ycecream*, a package to help printing (debug) information in a more intuitive and more versatile way than just print statements. And you get simple benchmarking (timing) functionality as a bonus. The package can be installed from PyPI with *pip install ycecream* or directly from GitHub: https://github.com/salabim/ycecream *Short introduction:* Inspect variables and expressions Have you ever printed variables or expressions to debug your program? If you've ever typed something like * print(add2(1000))* or the more thorough * print("add2(1000)", add2(1000)))* or (for Python >= 3.8 only): * print(f"{add2(1000) =}")* then y() is here to help. With arguments, y() inspects itself and prints both its own arguments and the values of those arguments. * from ycecream import y def add2(i): return i + 2 y(add2(1000))*prints * y| add2(1000): 1002* Similarly, * from ycecream import y class X: a = 3 world = {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"} y(world, X.a)* prints * y| world: {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"}, X.a: 3*Just give y() a variable or expression and you're done. Sweet, isn't it? Inspect execution Have you ever used print() to determine which parts of your program are executed, and in which order they're executed? For example, if you've ever added print statements to debug code like * def add2(i): print("enter") result = i + 2 print("exit") return result*then y() helps here, too. Without arguments, y() inspects itself and prints the calling filename, line number, and parent function. * from ycecream import y def add2(i): y() result = i + 2 y() return result y(add2(1000))*prints something like * y| x.py:3 in add2() y| x.py:5 in add2() y| add2(1000): 1002*Just call y() and you're done. Isn't that sweet? Debug entry and exit of function calls When you apply y as a decorator to a function or method, both the entry and exit can be tracked. The (keyword) arguments passed will be shown and upon return, the return value. * from ycecream import y @y def mul(x, y): return x * y print(mul(5, 7))*prints * y| called mul(5, 7) y| returned 35 from mul(5, 7) in 0.000006 seconds 35* Benchmarking with ycecream If you decorate a function or method with y, you will be offered the duration between entry and exit (in seconds) as a bonus. That opens the door to simple benchmarking, like: * from ycecream import y import time @y(show_enter=False) def do_sort(n): x = sorted(list(range(10 ** n))) for i in range(8): do_sort(i)*the ouput will show the effects of the population size on the sort speed: * y| returned None from do_sort(0) in 0.000011 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(1) in 0.000032 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(2) in 0.000010 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(3) in 0.000042 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(4) in 0.000716 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(5) in 0.004501 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(6) in 0.049840 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(7) in 0.490177 seconds* Acknowledgement The ycecream pacakage is a fork of the IceCream package. See https://github.com/gruns/icecream Many thanks to the author Ansgar Grunseid / grunseid.com / grunseid@gmail.com Differences with IceCream The ycecream module is a fork of IceCream with a number of differences: - ycecream can't colourize the output (a nice feature of IceCream) - ycecream runs only on Python 3.6 and higher. (IceCream runs even on Python 2.7). - ycecream uses y as the standard interface, whereas IceCream uses ic. For compatibility, ycecream also supports ic. - yceceam has no dependencies. IceCream on the other hand has many (asttoken, colorize, pyglets, ...). - ycecream is just one .py file, whereas IceCream consists of a number of .py files. That makes it possible to use ycecream without even (pip) installing it. Just copy ycecream.py to your work directory. - ycecream can be used as a decorator of a function showing the enter and/or exit event as well as the duration. - ycecream can be used as a context manager to benchamrk code. - ycecream has a PEP8 (Pythonic) API. Less important for the user, the actual code is also (more) PEP8 compatible. IceCream does not follow the PEP8 standard. - ycecream uses a completely different API to configure (rather than IceCream's configureOutput method) - ycecream time showing can be controlled independently from context showing - ycecream can optionally show a delta (time since start of the program) - ycecream does not sort dicts by default. This behaviour can be controlled with the sort_dict parameter. (This is implemented by including the pprint 3.8 source code) - ycecream can be configured from a json file, thus overriding some or all default settings at import time. - ycecream uses pytest for the test scripts rather than IceCream's unittest script.

The announcement yesterday wasn’t formatted properly, so I repost it, hopefully, more legible. This is to announce the release of version 1.1.4 of ycecream, a package to help printing (debug) information in a more intuitive and more versatile way than just print statements. And you get simple benchmarking (timing) functionality as a bonus. The package can be installed from PyPI with pip install ycecream or directly from GitHub: https://github.com/salabim/ycecream Short introduction Inspect variables and expressions Have you ever printed variables or expressions to debug your program? If you’ve ever typed something like print(add2(1000)) or the more thorough print("add2(1000)", add2(1000))) ` or (for Python >= 3.8 only): print(f"{add2(1000) =}") then y() is here to help. With arguments, y() inspects itself and prints both its own arguments and the values of those arguments. from ycecream import y def add2(i): return i + 2 y(add2(1000)) prints y| add2(1000): 1002 Similarly, from ycecream import y class X: a = 3 world = {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"} y(world, X.a) prints y| world: {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"}, X.a: 3 Just give y() a variable or expression and you’re done. Sweet, isn’t it? Inspect execution Have you ever used print() to determine which parts of your program are executed, and in which order they’re executed? For example, if you’ve ever added print statements to debug code like def add2(i): print("enter") result = i + 2 print("exit") return result then y() helps here, too. Without arguments, y() inspects itself and prints the calling filename, line number, and parent function. from ycecream import y def add2(i): y() result = i + 2 y() return result y(add2(1000)) prints something like y| x.py:3 in add2() y| x.py:5 in add2() y| add2(1000): 1002 Just call y() and you’re done. Isn’t that sweet? Debug entry and exit of function calls When you apply y as a decorator to a function or method, both the entry and exit can be tracked. The (keyword) arguments passed will be shown and upon return, the return value. from ycecream import y @y def mul(x, y): return x * y print(mul(5, 7)) prints y| called mul(5, 7) y| returned 35 from mul(5, 7) in 0.000006 seconds 35 Benchmarking with ycecream If you decorate a function or method with y, you will be offered the duration between entry and exit (in seconds) as a bonus. That opens the door to simple benchmarking, like: from ycecream import y import time @y(show_enter=False) def do_sort(n): x = sorted(list(range(10 ** n))) for i in range(8): do_sort(i) the ouput will show the effects of the population size on the sort speed: y| returned None from do_sort(0) in 0.000011 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(1) in 0.000032 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(2) in 0.000010 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(3) in 0.000042 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(4) in 0.000716 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(5) in 0.004501 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(6) in 0.049840 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(7) in 0.490177 seconds Acknowledgement The ycecream pacakage is a fork of the IceCream package. See https://github.com/gruns/icecream Many thanks to the author Ansgar Grunseid / grunseid.com / grunseid@gmail.com Differences with IceCream The ycecream module is a fork of IceCream with a number of differences: - ycecream can’t colourize the output (a nice feature of IceCream) - ycecream runs only on Python 3.6 and higher. (IceCream runs even on Python 2.7). - ycecream uses y as the standard interface, whereas IceCream uses ic. For compatibility, ycecream also supports ic. - yceceam has no dependencies. IceCream on the other hand has many (asttoken, colorize, pyglets, …). - ycecream is just one .py file, whereas IceCream consists of a number of .py files. That makes it possible to use ycecream without even (pip) installing it. Just copy ycecream.py to your work directory. - ycecream can be used as a decorator of a function showing the enter and/or exit event as well as the duration. - ycecream can be used as a context manager to benchamrk code. - ycecream has a PEP8 (Pythonic) API. Less important for the user, the actual code is also (more) PEP8 compatible. IceCream does not follow the PEP8 standard. - ycecream uses a completely different API to configure (rather than IceCream’s configureOutput method) - ycecream time showing can be controlled independently from context showing - ycecream can optionally show a delta (time since start of the program) - ycecream does not sort dicts by default. This behaviour can be controlled with the sort_dict parameter. (This is implemented by including the pprint 3.8 source code) - ycecream can be configured from a json file, thus overriding some or all default settings at import time. - ycecream uses pytest for the test scripts rather than IceCream’s unittest script.

The announcement yesterday wasn’t formatted properly, so I repost it, hopefully, more legible. This is to announce the release of version 1.1.4 of ycecream, a package to help printing (debug) information in a more intuitive and more versatile way than just print statements. And you get simple benchmarking (timing) functionality as a bonus. The package can be installed from PyPI with pip install ycecream or directly from GitHub: https://github.com/salabim/ycecream Short introduction Inspect variables and expressions Have you ever printed variables or expressions to debug your program? If you’ve ever typed something like print(add2(1000)) or the more thorough print("add2(1000)", add2(1000))) ` or (for Python >= 3.8 only): print(f"{add2(1000) =}") then y() is here to help. With arguments, y() inspects itself and prints both its own arguments and the values of those arguments. from ycecream import y def add2(i): return i + 2 y(add2(1000)) prints y| add2(1000): 1002 Similarly, from ycecream import y class X: a = 3 world = {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"} y(world, X.a) prints y| world: {"EN": "world", "NL": "wereld", "FR": "monde", "DE": "Welt"}, X.a: 3 Just give y() a variable or expression and you’re done. Sweet, isn’t it? Inspect execution Have you ever used print() to determine which parts of your program are executed, and in which order they’re executed? For example, if you’ve ever added print statements to debug code like def add2(i): print("enter") result = i + 2 print("exit") return result then y() helps here, too. Without arguments, y() inspects itself and prints the calling filename, line number, and parent function. from ycecream import y def add2(i): y() result = i + 2 y() return result y(add2(1000)) prints something like y| x.py:3 in add2() y| x.py:5 in add2() y| add2(1000): 1002 Just call y() and you’re done. Isn’t that sweet? Debug entry and exit of function calls When you apply y as a decorator to a function or method, both the entry and exit can be tracked. The (keyword) arguments passed will be shown and upon return, the return value. from ycecream import y @y def mul(x, y): return x * y print(mul(5, 7)) prints y| called mul(5, 7) y| returned 35 from mul(5, 7) in 0.000006 seconds 35 Benchmarking with ycecream If you decorate a function or method with y, you will be offered the duration between entry and exit (in seconds) as a bonus. That opens the door to simple benchmarking, like: from ycecream import y import time @y(show_enter=False) def do_sort(n): x = sorted(list(range(10 ** n))) for i in range(8): do_sort(i) the ouput will show the effects of the population size on the sort speed: y| returned None from do_sort(0) in 0.000011 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(1) in 0.000032 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(2) in 0.000010 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(3) in 0.000042 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(4) in 0.000716 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(5) in 0.004501 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(6) in 0.049840 seconds y| returned None from do_sort(7) in 0.490177 seconds Acknowledgement The ycecream pacakage is a fork of the IceCream package. See https://github.com/gruns/icecream Many thanks to the author Ansgar Grunseid / grunseid.com / grunseid@gmail.com Differences with IceCream The ycecream module is a fork of IceCream with a number of differences: - ycecream can’t colourize the output (a nice feature of IceCream) - ycecream runs only on Python 3.6 and higher. (IceCream runs even on Python 2.7). - ycecream uses y as the standard interface, whereas IceCream uses ic. For compatibility, ycecream also supports ic. - yceceam has no dependencies. IceCream on the other hand has many (asttoken, colorize, pyglets, …). - ycecream is just one .py file, whereas IceCream consists of a number of .py files. That makes it possible to use ycecream without even (pip) installing it. Just copy ycecream.py to your work directory. - ycecream can be used as a decorator of a function showing the enter and/or exit event as well as the duration. - ycecream can be used as a context manager to benchamrk code. - ycecream has a PEP8 (Pythonic) API. Less important for the user, the actual code is also (more) PEP8 compatible. IceCream does not follow the PEP8 standard. - ycecream uses a completely different API to configure (rather than IceCream’s configureOutput method) - ycecream time showing can be controlled independently from context showing - ycecream can optionally show a delta (time since start of the program) - ycecream does not sort dicts by default. This behaviour can be controlled with the sort_dict parameter. (This is implemented by including the pprint 3.8 source code) - ycecream can be configured from a json file, thus overriding some or all default settings at import time. - ycecream uses pytest for the test scripts rather than IceCream’s unittest script.
participants (1)
Ruud van der Ham