Hi All On behalf of the NumPy team, I'm pleased to announce the release of NumPy 2.1.0. NumPy 2.1.0 provides support for the upcoming Python 3.13 release and drops support for Python 3.9. In addition to the usual bug fixes and updated Python support, this release helps get NumPy back into its usual release cycle after the extended development of 2.0. Some 469 pull requests were merged for this release, highlights are: - Support for the array-api 2023.12 standard. - Support for Python 3.13. - Preliminary support for free threaded Python 3.13 This release supports Python 3.10-3.13. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/2.1.0>; source archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v2.1.0>. *Contributors* A total of 110 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. - !ogidig5 + - !partev - !vahidmech + - !h-vetinari - Aaron Meurer - Adrin Jalali + - Agriya Khetarpal - Ajay Kumar Janapareddi + - Alex Herbert + - Andras Deak - Andrej Zhilenkov + - Andrew Nelson - Anne Gunn + - Antony Lee - Arnaud Ma + - Arun Kannawadi + - Arun Pa + - Bas van Beek - Ben Woodruff + - Bruno Oliveira + - Carlos Henrique Hermanny Moreira da Silva + - Charles Harris - Chris Sidebottom - Christian Heimes + - Christian Lorentzen - Christopher Sidebottom - Christopher Titchen + - Clément Robert - Cobalt Yang + - Devyani Chavan + - Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos - Ebigide Jude + - Eric Xie + - Evgeni Burovski - Fabian Vogt + - Francisco Sousa + - GUAN MING + - Gabriel Fougeron + - Gagandeep Singh - Giovanni Del Monte + - Gonzalo Tornaría + - Gonçalo Bárias + - Hugo van Kemenade - Jakob Stevens Haas + - Jakob Unfried + - James Joseph Thomas + - Jean Lecordier + - Joren Hammudoglu + - Joris Van den Bossche - Julia Poo + - Justus Magin - Jyn Spring 琴春 - KIU Shueng Chuan - Karthik Gangula + - Karthik Kaiplody + - Kevin Sheppard - Kristoffer Pedersen + - Leo Singer - Liang Yan - Liangyu Zhang + - Lucas Colley - Luiz Eduardo Amaral + - Lysandros Nikolaou - Marcel Loose + - Marten van Kerkwijk - Mateusz Sokół - Matt Haberland - Matt Thompson + - Matthew Roeschke + - Matthew Thompson + - Matthias Bussonnier - Matti Picus - Melissa Weber Mendonça - Milica Dančuk + - Moritz Schreiber + - Nathan Goldbaum - Olivier Grisel - Patrick J. Roddy + - Paul Juma Otieno + - Pieter Eendebak - Raghuveer Devulapalli - Ralf Gommers - Raquel Braunschweig + - Robert Kern - Rohit Goswami - Romain Geissler + - Ross Barnowski - Rostan Tabet + - Sam Morley + - Sayed Adel - Sean Cheah - Sebastian Berg - Serge Guelton - Slobodan + - Stefan van der Walt - Thomas A Caswell - Thomas Li - Timo Röhling + - Tsvika Shapira + - Tuhin Sharma + - Tyler Reddy - Victor Eijkhout + - Warren Weckesser - Warrick Ball - Xiangyi Wang + - Yair Chuchem + - Yang Liu + - Yannik Wicke + - Yevhen Amelin + - Yuki K Cheers, Charles Harris
participants (1)
Charles R Harris