Hi, I'm happy to announce v0.2.0 of pandas-datareader. This is a major release from v0.1.1 and includes new features and a number of bug fixes. *What is it:* *pandas-datareader* is a Python package that provides remote data access to financial data. *pandas-datareader* replaces pandas.io.data and pandas.io.wb in pandas versions v0.17.0+. *How to get it:* Install via pip (conda install coming soon) pip install pandas-datareader *How to use it:* from pandas.io import data, wb # becomes from pandas_datareader import data, wb More information available in the documentation here <https://pandas-datareader.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>. *Release highlights include:* *New features* - Added latitude and longitude to output of wb.get_countries #47 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/47> - Extended DataReader to fetch dividends and stock splits from Yahoo #45 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/45>. - Added get_available_datasets to famafrench #56 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/56>. - DataReader now supports OECD data sources #101 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/101>. *Backwards incompatible API changes* - Fama French indexes are now pandas.PeriodIndex for annual and monthly data, and pandas.DatetimeIndex otherwise #56 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/56>. *Bug Fixes* - Update Fama-French URL #53 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/53> - Fixed bug where get_quote_yahoo would fail if a company name had a comma #85 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/85> *Issues:* Please report any issues on our issue tracker <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues>. Thanks to all who made this release happen. Dave *Thanks to all of the contributors:* - 0x0L - bashtage - brotchie - briancappello - davidastephens - evanpw - femtotrader - hayd - jorisvandenbossche - jreback - Kevin Sheppard - sinhrks - stared - terrytangyuan

I'm happy to announce v0.2.1 of pandas-datareader. This is a minor release from v0.2.0 and includes new features and bug fixes. *What is it:* *pandas-datareader* is a Python package that provides remote data access to financial data. *pandas-datareader* replaces pandas.io.data and pandas.io.wb in pandas versions v0.17.0+. *How to get it:* Install via pip pip install pandas-datareader *How to use it:* from pandas.io import data, wb # becomes from pandas_datareader import data, wb More information available in the documentation here <https://pandas-datareader.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>. *Release highlights include:* *New features* - DataReader now supports Eurostat data sources, see here <https://pandas-datareader.readthedocs.org/en/latest/remote_data.html#remote-...> (GH101 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/101>). - Options downloading is approximately 4x faster as a result of a rewrite of the parsing function. - DataReader and Options now support caching, see here <https://pandas-datareader.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cache.html#cache> ( GH110 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/110>),(GH116 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/116>),(GH121 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/121>), (GH122 <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/122>) *Backwards incompatible API changes* - Options columns PctChg and IV (Implied Volatility) are now type float rather than string. *Issues:* Please report any issues on our issue tracker <https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues>. Thanks to all who made this release happen. Dave *Thanks to all of the contributors:* - bashtage - davidastephens - femtotrader - hayd - jreback - sinhrks
participants (1)
David Stephens