Hi all, Flux 0.1.0 is out (first release). Frequently Asked Questions: - What is flux ? It is a python module that provides a framework to create workflows (actually, it is quite abstract, I use it for workflow, maybe it can be used for other things). - How it works ? Wokflows are defined as graphs, with states and transitions. Objects can be associated to workflows. Specific application semantics is is associated to states and transitions. - Why you did it ? Because I was unhappy with the available solutions in Zope, either too constrained, too complex or both. - Which are its strong points ? It is really simple to use, and also the implementation (less than 200 lines, around the half are docstrings). - Which are its weak points ? Well, it is the first release, the API is not stable and the documentation is weak. - Does it provide a graphic or web interface to define the workflow ? No, this is a tool for developers. Of course it could be posible to build a grapic or web interface on top of it. - Where can I get it ? From SorceForge, http://sf.net/projects/lleu - What about the documentation ? The flux.html file describes the API, it has been generated with pydoc from the flux.py docstrings. The test.py file is an example. It remains to do a HOWTO and maybe a document explaining the rationale. Regards, -- J. David Ibáñez, http://www.j-david.net Software Engineer / Ingénieur Logiciel / Ingeniero de Software
participants (1)
Juan David Ibáñez Palomar