Python.NET (pythonnet) 2.3.0 released with docker, nuget, pip, conda, and source installation options. Python.NET based CPython extensions can be packaged with PyInstaller and cx_freeze hooks. https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/releases/tag/v2.3.0 https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/wiki/Installation Added Added Code Coverage (#345) Added PySys_SetArgvEx (#347) Added XML Documentation (#349) Added Embedded_Tests on AppVeyor (#224)(#353) Added Embedded_Tests on Travis (#224)(#391) Added PY3 settings to solution configuration-manager (#346) Added Slack (#384)(#383)(#386) Added function of passing an arbitrary .NET object as the value of an attribute of PyObject (#370)(#373) Added Coverity scan (#390) Added bumpversion for version control (#319)(#398) Added tox for local testing (#345) Added requirements.txt Added to PythonEngine methods Eval and Exec (#389) Added implementations of ICustomMarshal (#407) Added docker images (#322) Added hooks in pyinstaller and cx_freeze for pythonnet (#66) Added nuget packages (#165) Changed Refactored python unittests (#329) Refactored python setup.py (#337) Refactored remaining of Build Directives on runtime.cs (#339) Refactored Embedded_Tests to make easier to write tests (#369) Changed unittests to pytest (#368) Upgraded NUnit framework from 2.6.3 to 3.5.0 (#341) Downgraded NUnit framework from 3.5.0 to 2.6.4 (#353) Upgraded NUnit framework from 2.6.4 to 3.6.0 (#371) Unfroze Mono version on Travis (#345) Changed conda.recipe build to only pull-requests (#345) Combine Py_DEBUG and PYTHON_WITH_PYDEBUG flags (#362) Deprecated Deprecated RunString (#401) Fixed Fixed crash during Initialization (#262)(#343) Fixed crash during Shutdown (#365) Fixed multiple build warnings Fixed method signature match for Object Type (#203)(#377) Fixed outdated version number in AssemblyInfo (#398) Fixed wrong version number in conda.recipe (#398) Fixed fixture location for Python tests and Embedded_Tests Fixed PythonException crash during Shutdown (#400) Fixed AppDomain unload during GC (#397)(#400) Fixed Py_Main & PySys_SetArgvEx no mem error on UCS4/PY3 (#399) Fixed Python.Runtime.dll.config on macOS (#120) Fixed crash on PythonEngine.Version (#413) Fixed PythonEngine.PythonPath issues (#179)(#414)(#415) Removed Removed six dependency for unittests (#329) Removed Mono.Unix dependency for UCS4 (#360) Removed need for Python.Runtime.dll.config Removed PY32 build option PYTHON_WITH_WIDE_UNICODE (#417)
participants (1)
Denis Akhiyarov