Straihghtforward Windows Registry access -- wreg Version 1.2.1 What is it? =========== wreg is a module implementing functions to access and manipulate the Windows Registry. The main goal is to simplify both the substring notation for registry keys an the access to registry data. What's new in version 1.2.1? ============================ * Requires Python 2.2 and up * Automatically enables security tokens if the user may Save, Load and UnLoad a registry key and the platform supports it (i.e. needs win32all). If the user has no rights or the platform doesn't support changing the rights, then SaveKey, LoadKey and UnLoad key always return None. * Added support for loading from, and saving to a regedit-style '.reg' file (Import and Export methods). * Added finding and copying Keys (Find and Add methods) * Usable on non-windows platforms with a pseudo-registry hive (RegObject) so you can test and/or manipulate '.reg' files (i.e. on Linux), before applying them on a windows platform. * Predefined toplevel keys kan directly be used in both the long form and the short form (i.e.: HKEY_LOCAl_MACHINE and HKLM). Where can I get it? =================== wreg is located at http://www.ewi.utwente.nl/~gansevle/python/wreg-1.2.1.zip Have Fun! ____________________________________________________________________________ Fred Gansevles <mailto:Fred.Gansevles@ewi.utwente.nl> Phone: +31 53 489 4613 Org.: Twente University, Fac. of EWI, Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands "Linux is like a wigwam, No windows, no gates and an apache inside"
participants (1)
Fred Gansevles