Hello all, I'm glad to announce the first public release of calf, 0.3.1: https://pypi.org/project/calf/0.3.1/ About ===== calf: Command Argument Loading Function for Python Calf lets you remove all your command argument parsing code, at least for simple cases. Only the implementation function is left, with initialization code that uses calf to call this function. The command argument parser is configured with a proper docstring, and perhaps some annotations (argument type) and default values for the parameters. In other words, stuffs that you would write anyway. The docstring can be written in Google, Sphinx, epydoc or Numpy style, and the design is that it is easy to swap the parsing function with yours. In fact, you can customize such a wide range of characteristics of calf, that you can treat it as a slightly restricted frontend to the ArgumentParser under the hood. Used in this way, you can treat calf as a cute way to configure argparse. This package shamelessly stole a lot of ideas from plac, but hopes to be more focused on creating comfortable command line interfaces rather than becoming a Swiss knife for programs with text-only user interface. <python-announce@python.org>
participants (1)
Isaac To