[ANN] SolarUtils-0.3 released - wrappers for NREL SOLPOS and SPECTRL2 algorithms

This update adds two convenience functions: 1. get_solposAM(location, datetimes, weather) - returns solar positions and airmass for arbitrary sequence of datetime vectors [year, month, day, hour, minute second]. 2. get_solpos8760(location, year, weather) - returns 8760 annyual hourly solar position and airmass for given year. For example:
location = [35.56836, -119.2022, -8.0]>>> datetimes = [... (datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)... + datetime.timedelta(hours=h)).timetuple()[:6]... for h in range(1000)]>>> weather = [1015.62055, 40.0]>>> angles, airmass = get_solposAM(location, datetimes, weather)
For more info, please see: - docs: https://sunpower.github.io/SolarUtils/ - repo: https://github.com/SunPower/SolarUtils - pypi: https://pypi.org/project/SolarUtils/ Thanks! -- Mark Mikofski, PhD (2005) *Fiat Lux*
participants (1)
Mark Mikofski