PyConZA 2021 - Second call for submissions

This is a second call for talk proposals for PyConZA 2021. While we've already received several great talk proposals, we still have a number of open talk slots and are thus keen to see further talk submissions. PyCon ZA 2021 will take place on the 7th & 8th of October, 2021. This year, due to the ongoing pandemic, PyCon ZA will again be an online event. We will be streaming the talks and using discord for discussion around the talks and other conference activities. We are looking for the following presentations: - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest) - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics) If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the instructions at . We have a number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching and Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other (which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks). We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of August 2021. Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a short Q&A session. Shared sessions are also possible. The presentations will be in English. PyCon ZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough description of what you would like to talk about and we'll find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor. If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the two talk categories at PyCon ZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible. -- Neil Muller On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
participants (1)
Neil Muller