MicroWar 2.0 beta 2 ----------------------- MicroWar is "Space Invaders" style arcade game, in the cruel world of micro-compter industry. You're a Macintosh faced to invading Wintel hordes year after year, kill more PC. Bonuses let you improve your Mac performances or restore life... PC Hunt is now open ! Usages and Licence The game is powered by Python language with SDL and PyGame module. Distributed under BSD Licence : http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php Compatibility The bundled application is only available for Mac now. The source code, is therefore cross-platform and can run on Macintosh, Windows and Linux : see source documentation for details I was looking for someone to help me released a package for WIndows, i can't make py2exe working... Download the game : <http://microwar.sourceforge.net/> Bug report : <http://sourceforge.net/projects/microwar/support> FAQ : <http://microwar.sourceforge.net/faq.html> All logos used are tradmarks from the corresponding compagny. Use is illustrative. -- Pierre-Alain Dorange <http://microwar.sourceforge.net/> Ce message est sous licence Creative Commons "by-nc-sa-2.0" <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/fr/>
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