mds-utils 1.2.0 have been released. Release Notes: - Improved python/fileobj.hpp: now there are 3 helper file objects and they are copy-constructible. Derivation from boost::python::object has been mantained. - Added utilities for indexing support in Python extensions. - Added boost::python converters for some boost::numeric::ublas classes. ------------------- What is mds-utils ? ------------------- mds-utils is a library intended to become a collection of several C++ utilities. It makes heavy usage of the Boost C++ libraries. Release 1.2.0 contains: - a tool for detecting machine endianity. - some useful classes that allow to treat the old C FILE pointer as a C++ stream. - C++ classes that help on treating Python file objects as C++ streams. - simple utilities for indexing support in Python extensions. - new C++ to-Python and from-Python converters for some Boost uBlas objects. Project home: -- Michele De Stefano
participants (1)
Michele De Stefano