Crunchy 0.8.2 has been released, and as usual you can download it from http://code.google.com/p/crunchy Crunchy is an application that formats and delivers html-written Python tutorials inside a browser window, adding interactive elements and snazzy navigation. This is a minor release, with the only major change being an update of the vlam syntax. Since 0.8 support has also been added for Apple Macs, so Crunchy now officially supports Windows, OS X and Ubuntu Linux - and probably also works on every other UNIX platform out there. In the short to medium future we will be releasing a significant rewrite of crunchy, simplifying the developer interface and adding new features, significant highlights will include: * Better handling of IO from user scripts. * Graphics canvasses will be available everywhere, not just in canvas widgets. * A significantly simpler version of VLAM. * A new plugin architecture for Crunchy itself, making it easily extensible. * ... and maybe even support for Matplotlib. We hope you continue to enjoy Crunchy. André Roberge and Johannes Woolard.
participants (1)
Johannes Woolard