Hi all, I'm happy to announce that pandas 0.23.0 has been released. This is a major release from 0.22.0 and includes a number of API changes, new features, enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug fixes. Tom ------------------------------ *What is it:* pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with relational or labeled data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any language. *Highlights of the 0.23.0 release include:* - Round-trippable JSON format with 'table' orient <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#json-read...> - Instantiation from dicts respects order for Python 3.6+ <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#instantat...> - Dependent column arguments for assign <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#assign-ac...> - Merging / sorting on a combination of columns and index levels <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#merging-o...> - Extending Pandas with custom types <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#extending...> - Excluding unobserved categories from groupby <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#categoric...> See the full whatsnew <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.0/whatsnew.html#v0-23-0> for a list of all the changes. *How to get it*: Source tarballs and wheels are available on PyPI (thanks to Christoph Gohlke for the windows wheels, and to Matthew Brett for setting up the mac/linux wheels). Conda packages are available on conda-forge and will be available on the default channel shortly. *Thanks to all the contributors:* A total of 328 people contributed to this release. People with a “+†by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Aaron Critchley * AbdealiJK + * Adam Hooper + * Albert Villanova del Moral * Alejandro Giacometti + * Alejandro Hohmann + * Alex Rychyk * Alexander Buchkovsky * Alexander Lenail + * Alexander Michael Schade * Aly Sivji + * Andreas Költringer + * Andrew * Andrew Bui + * András Novoszáth + * Andy Craze + * Andy R. Terrel * Anh Le + * Anil Kumar Pallekonda + * Antoine Pitrou + * Antonio Linde + * Antonio Molina + * Antonio Quinonez + * Armin Varshokar + * Artem Bogachev + * Avi Sen + * Azeez Oluwafemi + * Ben Auffarth + * Bernhard Thiel + * Bhavesh Poddar + * BielStela + * Blair + * Bob Haffner * Brett Naul + * Brock Mendel * Bryce Guinta + * Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos + * Carlos García Márquez + * Carol Willing * Cheuk Ting Ho + * Chitrank Dixit + * Chris * Chris Burr + * Chris Catalfo + * Chris Mazzullo * Christian Chwala + * Cihan Ceyhan + * Clemens Brunner * Colin + * Cornelius Riemenschneider * Crystal Gong + * DaanVanHauwermeiren * Dan Dixey + * Daniel Frank + * Daniel Garrido + * Daniel Sakuma + * DataOmbudsman + * Dave Hirschfeld * Dave Lewis + * David Adrián Cañones Castellano + * David Arcos + * David C Hall + * David Fischer * David Hoese + * David Lutz + * David Polo + * David Stansby * Dennis Kamau + * Dillon Niederhut * Dimitri + * Dr. Irv * Dror Atariah * Eric Chea + * Eric Kisslinger * Eric O. LEBIGOT (EOL) + * FAN-GOD + * Fabian Retkowski + * Fer Sar + * Gabriel de Maeztu + * Gianpaolo Macario + * Giftlin Rajaiah * Gilberto Olimpio + * Gina + * Gjelt + * Graham Inggs + * Grant Roch * Grant Smith + * Grzegorz Konefał + * Guilherme Beltramini * HagaiHargil + * Hamish Pitkeathly + * Hammad Mashkoor + * Hannah Ferchland + * Hans * Haochen Wu + * Hissashi Rocha + * Iain Barr + * Ibrahim Sharaf ElDen + * Ignasi Fosch + * Igor Conrado Alves de Lima + * Igor Shelvinskyi + * Imanflow + * Ingolf Becker * Israel Saeta Pérez * Iva Koevska + * Jakub Nowacki + * Jan F-F + * Jan Koch + * Jan Werkmann * Janelle Zoutkamp + * Jason Bandlow + * Jaume Bonet + * Jay Alammar + * Jeff Reback * JennaVergeynst * Jimmy Woo + * Jing Qiang Goh + * Joachim Wagner + * Joan Martin Miralles + * Joel Nothman * Joeun Park + * John Cant + * Johnny Metz + * Jon Mease * Jonas Schulze + * Jongwony + * Jordi Contestí + * Joris Van den Bossche * José F. R. Fonseca + * Jovixe + * Julio Martinez + * Jörg Döpfert * KOBAYASHI Ittoku + * Kate Surta + * Kenneth + * Kevin Kuhl * Kevin Sheppard * Krzysztof Chomski * Ksenia + * Ksenia Bobrova + * Kunal Gosar + * Kurtis Kerstein + * Kyle Barron + * Laksh Arora + * Laurens Geffert + * Leif Walsh * Liam Marshall + * Liam3851 + * Licht Takeuchi * Liudmila + * Ludovico Russo + * Mabel Villalba + * Manan Pal Singh + * Manraj Singh * Marc + * Marc Garcia * Marco Hemken + * Maria del Mar Bibiloni + * Mario Corchero + * Mark Woodbridge + * Martin Journois + * Mason Gallo + * Matias Heikkilä + * Matt Braymer-Hayes * Matt Kirk + * Matt Maybeno + * Matthew Kirk + * Matthew Rocklin + * Matthew Roeschke * Matthias Bussonnier + * Max Mikhaylov + * Maxim Veksler + * Maximilian Roos * Maximiliano Greco + * Michael Penkov * Michael Röttger + * Michael Selik + * Michael Waskom * Mie~~~ * Mike Kutzma + * Ming Li + * Mitar + * Mitch Negus + * Montana Low + * Moritz Münst + * Mortada Mehyar * Myles Braithwaite + * Nate Yoder * Nicholas Ursa + * Nick Chmura * Nikos Karagiannakis + * Nipun Sadvilkar + * Nis Martensen + * Noah + * Noémi Éltető + * Olivier Bilodeau + * Ondrej Kokes + * Onno Eberhard + * Paul Ganssle + * Paul Mannino + * Paul Reidy * Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Castro + * Pepe Flores + * Peter Hoffmann * Phil Ngo + * Pietro Battiston * Pranav Suri + * Priyanka Ojha + * Pulkit Maloo + * README Bot + * Ray Bell + * Riccardo Magliocchetti + * Ridhwan Luthra + * Robert Meyer * Robin * Robin Kiplang'at + * Rohan Pandit + * Rok Mihevc + * Rouz Azari * Ryszard T. Kaleta + * Sam Cohan * Sam Foo * Samir Musali + * Samuel Sinayoko + * Sangwoong Yoon * SarahJessica + * Sharad Vijalapuram + * Shubham Chaudhary + * SiYoungOh + * Sietse Brouwer * Simone Basso + * Stefania Delprete + * Stefano Cianciulli + * Stephen Childs + * StephenVoland + * Stijn Van Hoey + * Sven * Talitha Pumar + * Tarbo Fukazawa + * Ted Petrou + * Thomas A Caswell * Tim Hoffmann + * Tim Swast * Tom Augspurger * Tommy + * Tulio Casagrande + * Tushar Gupta + * Tushar Mittal + * Upkar Lidder + * Victor Villas + * Vince W + * Vinícius Figueiredo + * Vipin Kumar + * WBare * Wenhuan + * Wes Turner * William Ayd * Wilson Lin + * Xbar * Yaroslav Halchenko * Yee Mey * Yeongseon Choe + * Yian + * Yimeng Zhang * ZhuBaohe + * Zihao Zhao + * adatasetaday + * akielbowicz + * akosel + * alinde1 + * amuta + * bolkedebruin * cbertinato * cgohlke * charlie0389 + * chris-b1 * csfarkas + * dajcs + * deflatSOCO + * derestle-htwg * discort * dmanikowski-reef + * donK23 + * elrubio + * fivemok + * fjdiod * fjetter + * froessler + * gabrielclow * gfyoung * ghasemnaddaf * h-vetinari + * himanshu awasthi + * ignamv + * jayfoad + * jazzmuesli + * jbrockmendel * jen w + * jjames34 + * joaoavf + * joders + * jschendel * juan huguet + * l736x + * luzpaz + * mdeboc + * miguelmorin + * miker985 * miquelcamprodon + * orereta + * ottiP + * peterpanmj + * rafarui + * raph-m + * readyready15728 + * rmihael + * samghelms + * scriptomation + * sfoo + * stefansimik + * stonebig * tmnhat2001 + * tomneep + * topper-123 * tv3141 + * verakai + * xpvpc + * zhanghui +
participants (1)
Tom Augspurger