Bookmarks Database and Internet Robot version 3.4.0 (2004-09-23)

Hello! Bookmarks Database and Internet Robot WHAT IS IT A set of classes, libraries, programs and plugins I use to manipulate my bookmarks.html. I like Mozilla, but I need more features. I want to extend Mozilla's "Check for updates" feature (Navigator4 called it "Update bookmarks"). WHAT'S NEW in version 3.4.0 (2004-09-23) Extended support for Mozilla; keywords in bookmarks. Updated to m_lib version 1.2. WHAT'S NEW in version 3.3.2 can now recode unicode entities in titles. WHAT'S NEW in version 3.3.0 Required Python 2.2. HTML parser. If the protocol is HTTP, and there is Content-Type header, and content type is text/html, the object is parsed to extract its title; if the Content-Type header has charset, or if the HTML has <META> with charset, the title is converted from the given charset to the default charset. The <HEADER> is also parsed to extract <META> tag with redirect, if any. WHAT'S NEW in version 3.0 Complete rewrite from scratch. Created mechanism for pluggable storage managers, writers (DB dumpers/exporters) and robots. WHERE TO GET Master site: Faster mirrors: AUTHOR Oleg Broytmann <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1997-2004 PhiloSoft Design LICENSE GPL TODO Cleanup HTML before parsing using BeautifulSoap or Tidy. Parse downloaded file and get javascript redirects. More and better documentation. Merge "writers" to storage managers. New storage managers: shelve, SQL, ZODB, MetaKit. More robots (URL checkers): threading, asyncore-based. Configuration file to configure defaults - global defaults for the system and local defaults for subsystems. Ruleset-based mechanisms to filter out what types of URLs to check: checking based on URL schema, host, port, path, filename, extension, etc. Detailed reports on robot run - what's old, what's new, what has been moved, errors, etc. WWW-interface to the report. Bigger database. Multiuser database. Robot should operates on a part of the DB. WWW-interface to the database. User should import/export/edit bookmarks, schedule robot run, etc. Oleg. -- Oleg Broytmann Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
participants (1)
Oleg Broytmann