Name: pcp-0.1 Description: Python Interface to SGI's Performance Co-Pilot client API License: GNU LGPL Download: ftp://oss.sgi.com/www/projects/pcp/download/python- pcp-0.1.tar.gz Web: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/pcp/ Author: Michael Werner Email: mtw at protomagic dot com Description of this Python Extension ----------------------------- This python extension, called pcp, provides an interface to the client C API for SGI's open source Performance Co-Pilot. This is a very early release and some core functionality is missing, namely reading and writing archive files. A set of convenience classes is provided, which build upon the base functionality of SGI's library. These convenience classes may change in future releases, as use-cases evolve and feedback suggests. A sample program is included. Description of SGI's Performance Co-Pilot ----------------------------- Performance Co-Pilot is a distributed mechanism for measuring and recording the performance and activity of computers, networks, applications, and servers. PCP also includes an inference engine that can trigger responses to measured conditions or events. Several hundred different operational parameters can be measured from target machines, their operating systems, MySQL, Apache, Sendmail, VMWare, KVM, etc. There is a server-side library available for writing additional plug-in modules to measure any custom target application or server. There is a client-side library for writing custom applications to collect and utilize measurements. This python extension wraps that client-side C library, libpcp. Performance Co-Pilot is known to run on Windows and many Unix/Linux variants. Example Application ----------------------------- To see an example prototype application that uses these python extensions to visualize system activity, visit ... http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=157085 Python.org site URL ----------------------------- <p><a href="http://oss.sgi.com/projects/pcp/">pcp 0.1</a> - Python Interface to SGI's Performance Co-Pilot client API (22-May-09) -----------------------------
participants (1)
Michael Werner