execnet-1.0.8 and a green experiment

I just released execnet-1.0.8, see the Changelog for details, below. What is execnet? --------------------- execnet is a small pure python library that manages distributed code execution across Python versions and host boundaries. It provides a self-bootstrapping share-nothing model with channels to send/receive data messages. It also helps with managing a cluster of (local or remote) processes and comes with tons of examples and API docs: http://codespeak.net/execnet green version of execnet -------------------------------- For those interested i hacked up a green version of execnet which is API-compatible (and less stable) than the "main" version. It requires the eventlet library and is thus not fully self-bootstrapping (you need to install eventlet on all remote nodes you want to execute code on). There is no release but you can peruse http://code.google.com/p/execnet-green/source/checkout and "python setup.py develop" to play with it. It will never spawn any operating system threads. Rather remote_exec() will spawn greenlets/micro-threads of which you can easily have a few thousand. It probably only is stable enough for simple scenarios at this point. best, holger Changelog 1.0.8 (compared to 1.0.7): - new ``gateway.remote_exec(func, **kwargs)`` style fo executing a pure function with parameters. The function on the remote side also needs to accept a ``channel`` which allows it to communicate back and forth. Thanks to Ronny Pfannschmidt for implementing it with special kudos to Maciej Fijalkowski for writing a "pure-function" checker so that on Python2.6 onwards non-pure functions will be rejected. - enhance rsyncing to also sync permissions (stat().st_mode) of directories and files. (should also resolve http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/68/) - fix rsyncing of symlinks, thanks to Charles Solar (should also resolve http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/70/) - update internal usage of apipkg to 1.0b6 - remote_exec(module) now makes sure that the linecache is updated before reading and sending the source. thanks Ronny, Matt. - removed all trailing whitespace from source files
participants (1)
holger krekel