Pynche is a 100% pure Python Tkinter based color editor, with a funky different kind of way of selecting colors. Pynche works with Python 1.5.x and Tk 8.0.x on both Un*x and Windows, although you probably need a 24 bit screen to get the best effect. Pynche also provides an API similar to the standard tkColorChooser module for embedding in other applications (e.g, Grail 0.6 uses Pynche as its color editor). Version 1.0 is an update from the version distributed with Python 1.5.2 (in Tools/pynche). It adds a few new features, such as the ability to load different color name databases. Included are databases containing the "web-safe" colors, the HTML 4.0 color names, two files of "browser-safe" color names, and the X11 color names. More information is available on my "PyWare" page http://www.python.org/~bwarsaw/software/pyware.html -Barry bwarsaw@python.org <p><a href="http://www.python.org/~bwarsaw/software/pyware.html"> Pynche 1.0</a> - a Tkinter based color editor. (01-May-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Barry A. Warsaw