Hello! I'm pleased to announce version 3.4.0, the final release of branch 3.4 of CheetahTemplate3. What's new in CheetahTemplate3 ============================== This release spans two topics: adapting to Python 3.13 and fixes in import hooks. Bug fixes: - Fixed ``ImportHooks``: it must raise ``ModuleNotFoundError`` instead of ``ImportError``. - Fixed absolute import in ``ImportHooks`` under Python 3. - Use ``cache_from_source`` in ``ImportManager`` to find out ``.pyc``/``.pyo`` byte-code files. - Fixed unmarshalling ``.pyc``/``.pyo`` byte-code files in ``ImportManager``. - Fixed ``Template.webInput``: Use ``urllib.parse.parse_qs`` instead of ``cgi.FieldStorage``; Python 3.13 dropped ``cgi``. - Fixed ``_namemapper.c``: Silent an inadvertent ``TypeError`` exception in ``PyMapping_HasKeyString`` under Python 3.13+ caused by ``_namemapper`` looking up a key in a non-dictionary. - Fixed ``_namemapper.c``: Silence ``IndexError`` when testing ``name[attr]``. Some objects like ``re.MatchObject`` implement both attribute access and index access. This confuses ``NameMapper`` because it expects ``name[attr]`` to raise ``TypeError`` for objects that don't implement mapping protocol. - Fixed mapping test in ``NameMapper.py``: Python 3.13 brough a new mapping type ``FrameLocalsProxy``. - Fixed another ``RecursionError`` in ``ImportHooks`` under PyPy3. Tests: - tox: Run tests under Python 3.13. CI: - CI(GHActions): Switch to ``setup-miniconda``. - CI(GHActions): Run tests under Python 3.13. Build/release: - Rename sdist to lowercase; different build tools produce different case. This is important because stupid PyPI doesn't ignore sdists in different cases but also doesn't allow uploading. So we use single case, all lower. Also see PEP 625. What is CheetahTemplate3 ======================== Cheetah3 is a free and open source (MIT) Python template engine. It's a fork of the original CheetahTemplate library. Python 2.7 or 3.4+ is required. Where is CheetahTemplate3 ========================= Site: https://cheetahtemplate.org/ Download: https://pypi.org/project/CT3/3.4.0 News and changes: https://cheetahtemplate.org/news.html StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cheetah Mailing lists: https://sourceforge.net/p/cheetahtemplate/mailman/ Development: https://github.com/CheetahTemplate3 Developer Guide: https://cheetahtemplate.org/dev_guide/ Example ======= Install:: $ pip install CT3 # (or even "ct3") Below is a simple example of some Cheetah code, as you can see it's practically Python. You can import, inherit and define methods just like in a regular Python module, since that's what your Cheetah templates are compiled to :) :: #from Cheetah.Template import Template #extends Template #set $people = [{'name' : 'Tom', 'mood' : 'Happy'}, {'name' : 'Dick', 'mood' : 'Sad'}, {'name' : 'Harry', 'mood' : 'Hairy'}] <strong>How are you feeling?</strong> <ul> #for $person in $people <li> $person['name'] is $person['mood'] </li> #end for </ul> Oleg. -- Oleg Broytman https://phdru.name/ phd@phdru.name Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
participants (1)
Oleg Broytman