[ANN] EuroPython 2009 – Extra Early Bird registration ends this Saturday!

Newsflash! A large number of Pythoneers has signed up already, for this reason alone it is worth booking! If you already know you are joining the conference, why not save some money in these financially uncertain times and take advantage of the extra early bird rate! The extra early bird rate is just 95 GBP for the conference (70 GBP for the tutorials) and ends this Saturday 14th of March. You can book your conference and hotel all at once. Register at http://www.europython.eu/registration/ . The talks submitted so far promise to be very interesting and practical. We have room for more though, go to http://www.europython.eu/talks/cfp/ for this year's themes, and submissions criteria, the deadline is on 5th April 2009. Sponsors A unique opportunity to affiliate with the prestigious EuroPython conference! http://www.europython.eu/sponsors/ Spread the Word Improve our publicity by distributing this announcement in your corner of the community, coordinating this with the organisers is highly appreciated. http://www.europython.eu/contact/ General Information For more information about the conference, please visit http://www.europython.eu/ . Looking forward to seeing you!
participants (1)
Martin P. Hellwig